Friday, February 3, 2012

My oh my!

Alright cherubs, it's time to unload!

The short of it is this: School is great, but I just don't have time for much of anything. I might have time to eat breakfast in the morning if I'm lucky, but that's a stretch. I at least get to shower everyday though, so that's a plus!

I graduate in a few months, so I have that to look forward to. It seems like it was yesterday when I started school, but at the same time, it seems like it has been dragging on and on with no end in sight. It's a very bittersweet feeling knowing that I'm graduating soon. I haven't really given much thought as to what I'm going to do when I'm licensed either. I mean, yeah, I don't graduate until the end of May, so I still have time. However, in school and professional terms that's basically next week. I should be hitting the ground running everyday looking for a place to work, or at least finding out what I need to work for myself. We'll see what happens.

On a happier note, yesterday I was given what is probably the greatest compliment I've ever received. The girlfriend of one of my instructors came in yesterday for a massage, and she told me that my instructor is always talking about how great, attentive, and professional I am. Also, she said that I gave her the best massage she has ever received. She left me a $30 tip... Yeah, I'm pretty awesome. (I'm also humble) I need more people like that. People like "that" being those who actually appreciate the kind of work I do. I prefer to receive extremely deep work, which I happen to gravitate towards whenever I work on people. I love deep tissue and structural work. I can easily give your standard "Fluff & Buff" massage, but I like to send my clients away feeling like they actually received something that benefits them in the long run. (I give a great Swedish too though, so don't judge me!) It would be nice to find more people who enjoy, or at least appreciate the benefits of deep tissue work. 

I'll take referrals, so I'm open to anyone who will let me work on them... Anyone?