Saturday, April 9, 2011

Good night/morning, Blogdom! It is currently 2:51 in the AM, and sleep hasn't been anywhere near me tonight. Well, tonight or any night this past week or so. I've been going through a hardcore insomnia battle at which I am tragically losing. Since I'm lying in bed but wide awake, I decided to make a quick post about a couple observations.

Insomnia is a devil, but it does have some minor redeeming qualities...

-It gives me plenty of time to think and ponder. Ponder what? Nothing in particular, just ponder.

-I've had time to finish a book.

-I've had time to build up a good data base of random trivia. (Did you know that blonde hair and blue eyes are actually a result of a genetic mutation?)

-I learned that my dog knows the difference between "do you want a bath", "go for a ride", "go for a walk", and "BREAD!" She knows that the bath is down the hall. She knows that going for a ride means to get in my car (and to move my backpack out of the passenger seat, which she does). She knows which shoes are mine, and brings at least one to me if I'm taking too long to get ready for the walk (she will also grab her collar and harness for the walk if she doesn't find me shoes). And she knows the difference between the bread bag and a zip-lock bag when it comes to bread.

-I've learned how to do really good shadow puppets on the ceiling using my cell phone screen for a light!

Now, insomnia isn't the only thing I was going to rant about tonight/this morning. No. No, no, no. I need to talk about sleep walking!

The other night I had a dream that I was really hungry (I actually WAS hungry in real life, so it makes sense). I wanted Cafe Rio, but I knew I couldn't just go into the restaurant in my jammies, so I had to get dressed. Well, I got out of bed and proceeded to try on EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE OF CLOTHING IN MY CLOSET before deciding that I was better off just going through a drive-thru instead, because getting dressed would take too long. What happened to my clothes? 90% ended up in a pile all over my floor. I remember waking up enough to see the clothes, freak out a bit over what happened, then finally pass out again for the night.

Now, my room is more or less put back together, but I still have some clothes on my floor. I was amazed at some of the clothes I threw our of my closet: I had no idea I still owned some of them!

Just a word of precaution about insomnia though. If you're prone to bouts of insomnia, I highly recommend trying to relax or meditate before going to bed.

Here's a great link to a fantastic blog. This blogger obviously cares a great deal about the mind, relaxation and meditation. I fing it quite helpful, and I want to share it with you! Here's the link to his site:

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