Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Love and other drugs (Not the movie. Okay, a little bit about the movie)

Though Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway would make excellent topics for a bloggity-blog post, I'm not going to be opening that door now. Maybe later. He's a "Butter Face" and she seems to only know how to play one type of character. Though she did a good job in Bare, er, Brokeback Mountain and Love And Other Drugs.

Anyhooters, back at the base (Chez Moi), some crazy scheiße has gone down this past week. Bathrooms were re-tiled, part of the ceiling was replaced, bedroom carpets were replaced, and lots o' crap has been packed into boxes and moved into the garage until further notice. (For those of you not in the loop, the family is moving to California. Dad's job blah blah blah, keep the family together blah blah blah, witness protection blah blah blah [okay, that part isn't true].) Dad has had a lot of work in California for the past 18 or so months, so we hardly ever get to see him anymore. The family unanimously decided that moving everyone out there so we could all be together would be the best way to fix this awful situation. Everything was all fine and dandy with that until, BAM!, I was accepted into a school nearby. Nearby is a very loose term. It's an hours' ride on the train, then another 20 minutes walking from there. Anyway, because of this, I'm staying back here in Utah while the family goes off to Paradise, I mean, California.

Not everything involved with this is bad though. I'm moving up closer to my school, I found a killer house to live in, and the owners of the house are pretty much my Fairy God-people.

We all know how great relationships are. We also know how much they can really suck at times. Luckily those times are few and far between... After recently having a big argument with my better half, my Fairy God-people came to my rescue. I was convinced that things were over. It's pretty sad that after three rough, but incredible years, something small had the potential to just snowball into something huge and catastrophic! Anyway, my Fairy God-people are just the greatest! (To protect the names of the innocent, they will be called "Fairy God 1" and "Fairy God 2") Fairy God 2 called me this evening just to check up and see how things are going. (I had been texting Fairy God 1 earlier, so I guess they already had an idea as to what was going on.) As we talked, I told FG2 about the argument that had taken place. As an ever-loving omniscient Fairy, FGs 1 and 2 talked me down and brought me back to earth. During the argument, I guess I had made a few ultimatums, said a lot of things that I regret, and also said a lot of hurtful things. In my defense however, I had a rough weekend, and it just carried into today, so I was being irrational! (Poor excuse, I know.)

I had myself convinced that my relationship was over. There was absolutely no way that it could possibly be salvaged. Ever. Guess what though!! I had to be rational for 5 minutes... Yeah, things are good. I wasn't ready to be single again. Going out and looking for dates is NOT my idea of fun. Period.

Love and other drugs. Jake Gyllenhaal. This stupid fight I've been dealing with just makes me think of the movie. Jack Twist and Lureen Newsome, I mean Jamie Randall and Maggie Murdock fall in love under unlikely circumstances. (You thought I was going to make a Brokeback Mountain joke, huh?) Anyway, Gyllenhaal and Hathaway's characters fall in love, have a rocky relationship, they love each other, they hate each other, they love each other some more. They have sex, they hate each other, they love each other, they run away together, they hate each other. Ultimately then end up together. We all saw that one coming. That's a little bit how I feel about this whole stupid thing. We love each other, we don't like each other, we love each other, we don't like each other. We go run away for a couple days together, we don't like each other, we love each other. The more I think about it though, that's pretty normal. We love each other regardless of what happens. We may not like each other, but we love each other.

Love is my drug. How's that? I think I have an addiction. Not necessarily to be accepted, but to be loved. I don't need to be loved by everybody I know; I just need to be loved by one person. Not just being told that I'm loved, but rather knowing that I am. Maybe that isn't an addiction. Because really, if you think about it, that's a basic human need. We all need to feel and be loved. Humans are like plants. Plants need water the same way we need love. If you don't water a plant, the plant dies (I'm going to smack anyone who talks about succulents. Those plants are just weird, so don't even bother. They're like the emo kids of the world anyway). Humans start to die if we aren't shown love.

I need to type about something else because all that up there didn't really turn out the way I was wanting it to, and I'm not in the mood to go back and edit everything. All that aside, what turned out to be a horrible experience actually turned out relatively well. We're still hurt and upset at each other, but we love each other nonetheless.  I've covered love, but I don't think I've talked about any drugs in here...

Ooh! Last week I scraped my knee really bad. I was being a wuss because it was still bloody and bruised, so I took a Lortab. I don't know why I even bother taking Lortab for anything, it doesn't do anything for me. It doesn't kill pain, nor does it make me loopy. To be honest, I'm a little jealous of everyone who says Lortab makes them loopy and fuzzy feeling all over. Lucky kids.

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