Friday, July 8, 2011

<Choose Your Own Witty Title>

I know it's been ages since I last posted, and I apologize. Not that it matters much though, since this doesn't get read. I guess this is more of an emotional release than anything, really.

Alright cherubs, here goes...

The past few weeks have been very difficult, to be honest. I'm back in  school (which I love), I'm getting ready to move (potentially, but I'm excited either way), and I'm still looking for a job (which is a necessary evil). Why can't prostitution be legal? I'm sure I'd have a few loyal clients...

All that aside, it's been stressful! The rest of the family is getting ready to move to California, while I'm staying here in Salt Lake to finish school. I've done the "move away from home, grow up, be independent, start a life" thing, but I always end up back here. Maybe it's just my security blanket. I'm really not looking forward to them moving. I like having them right here where I can see them, feel them, and be with them. I'm not afraid to be back on my own, I would just rather be with my family altogether.

Regardless of how I feel, I can't change the inevitable. I'll be moving closer to school, and my family will be moving closer to my Dad's work. At least it will make commuting for both of us less of a hassle...

I mean really, how fun does it sound to be commuting 3 hours total everyday to and from school? I think I'll pass. Why am I going to a school so far away versus one closer? For a few reasons, actually.

- 1. My best friend teaches here, so I already had an "in".
- 2. I saved about $2000 by going here.
- 3. I'd rather be in a smaller class where I'm a name rather than a number. Plus, I get all of my professors' personal contact info.
- 4. This massage school has a higher graduation rate compared to my other option.
- 5. It's WAY laid back. Heave course load and demanding work, but very casual and friendly.

Anyway, there were lots of perks for me. Plenty more than what I listed. I'm loving it all! Oh! Another one: I get at least one massage everyday. Yeah, that's pretty awesome.

Massage is fun, and I enjoy the happiness, serenity, peace, and joy it brings people.

Oh! Ready for some trivia? The earliest recorded text mentioning massage comes from China. It was written back in 2600 BC (some date it to 400 BC, but that's not important.) The methods described in this text made their way over to Japan where the Japanese developed shiatsu. Now, the Japanese were more accomodating and accepting than the Chinese, as the Japanese used massage as a way to employ the blind! (The Chinese usually locked the blind away, or killed them.) The blind made/make excellent therapists because their sense of touch was/is so sensitive. They excelled at their art, and shiatsu eventually became one of the most popular massage practices around the world. (The seeing are allowed to do shiatsu, just in case anyone was wondering.)

Interesting, huh? I thought it was, at least.

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