Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog Challenge: Day 4

Okay, so I'm continuing on with catching up for missed days.

The next topic is:

Day 4: Your favorite quote and why.

"No creature that deserved Redemption would need to be redeemed." - C.S. Lewis.

"Christ died for men precisely because men are not worth dying for; to make them worth it." - C.S. Lewis


"You will certainly carry out God's purpose, but it makes a difference to whether you serve like Judas or like John." - C.S. Lewis

I have a philoso-crush on C.S. Lewis. MAJOR. I love reading what he has written, and I really enjoy his insight on religion and the world. If you ask me what I find most fascinating, it is probably just his opinion. To me, I think that he definitely took his time and put forth the effort to learn all that he possibly could about everything he wrote and spoke about. From what I've learned, Mr. Lewis loved God and respected all aspect of Christianity. That's why I chose some quotes from him as my favorite. To me, these quotes speak volumes about humanity and how we are really being perceived if you take a step back to examine us.

The first two quotes go hand-in-hand to me. We don't deserve redemption. We aren't worth it. Look what we do to each other on a global level... What do we do if we have an argument between national or religious borders? We go to war, and whichever side kills the most people wins. What's the point in that? I'm not going to get political by delving into whether or not I support wars, so don't ask for it. I just don't see the point in killing people to prove a point. However, why did Christ die for us? Why, though we aren't worth it, did He die for ALL mankind? Because we AREN'T worth it. The Son of God came to man so that man can become Sons (and Daughters) of God.

This last quote brings tears to my eyes. No matter who we are, which side of the spiritual war we're on, we are all going to carry out God's purpose. Who are we serving and fighting like though? Are we going to be Judases, or are we going to be Johns? Will we be called out on our betrayal, deny it, yet intentionally go through with it because of the "payment" we're promised in the end; or will we be Divine and Beloved? How are we fighting?

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