Friday, January 28, 2011

Challenge Day 2

Day 2: The meaning behind my blog name.

A few years ago my aunt and her kids came up to visit for part of the summer. Her youngest son had the hardest time saying my name right, so it came out "E-why" instead. That only lasted a few months before he learned how to say it right. I thought it was cute, so I made it stick. Since then, my aunt had a daughter. Her daughter has trouble with pronouncing a lot of words, so it's easier for her to call me "E-y" too. So, what was a cute speech impediment has now turned into the only other name I will absentmindedly answer to!

Now, for the "E-y, E-y Oh!" part... For years, my parents have teased me with the "Old MacDonald" song with my name. Well, backing up even farther than that. I was teased for as long as I can remember for my last name, and the kids would always taunt me with "Old MacDonald". I'm not complaining now, but it was a little traumatic back then for me. I was a very shy kid. (I still am a shy person.) Anyway, when my family first heard Brendan (my aunt's youngest son) call me "E-y", they thought it was funny and that it reminded them of the song, so they would sing it and call me "E-y, E-y Oh!"

The reason I chose that for my blog name is because it makes me smile and reminds me of the innocence of childhood. My little cousins and family still call me "E-y" (and other variations thereon), and I wouldn't have it any other way! My future nieces and nephews WILL call me "Uncle E-y"; they really don't have any other choice there. Haha!

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