Thursday, January 27, 2011

First post!

So, I've been meaning to actually post something here for ages, but I've just been neglecting it up until now. After scanning other blogs, reading my sister's blog, and just sitting back today, I decided to do something about it! Whether or not anyone will read this is up to all of you out there, but I'm doing this for me!

A couple weeks ago I was talking with a friend about blogging. She gave me a good idea - Do a 30 day challenge at first. So, that's what I'm going to do. I'm kind of stealing some of these ideas for the 30 days from my sister and various other blogs I've read, so I apologize if I'm not doing it "correctly". Here goes nothing...

Day 1: Upload a recent photo of yourself and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

* In the photo: My sister, Keira; my father; and myself. We spent the New Year in Glamis with my Aunt and Uncle, and their family. My mom and other sister, Makenna, weren't able to make it down with us that trip.

1. I'm the oldest of three kids. Myself (24), Makenna (20), and Keira (16).

2. I graduated high school in 2005. It wasn't anything special. In fact, I BARELY graduated. I was a great student, all of my teachers loved me! I just got very lazy my last semester in high school. None of you need to know what my GPA was though...

3. Though I barely graduated high school, I proved myself a good student because scouts from BYU and the UofU came to my door offering full tuition for 4 years if I would play cello for them. I was dumb and turned both of them down to go to Snow College instead. Like I said, it wasn't a wise decision.

4. My ideal outside temperature range is the low-40s to mid-90s.

5. I love button-up t-shirts! I always have.

6. I'm a stubborn person by nature. However, even though I'm stubborn, I still like to hear all sides to an argument, and I will hear you out. Even though you're going to be wrong, because I'm stubborn and I'm always right. :-P

7. I have a unique sense of humor.

8. I've played cello for 14 years. I've taught private lessons for 6 of those years.

9. I love "The Twilight Zone".

10. I want to be a musical ethnologist when I grow up!

11. I have the greatest family! They are very loving, patient, understanding, caring and thoughtful. Though I've dropped a few massive bombshells on them in the past few years, they still love me regardless. They've been there for me throughout the best and the worst. They've supported me, guarded me, had my back, nudged me when I needed the nudging, love who I love, and it all means the world to me!

12. So, I'm going to be bald by 35.

13. I can't grow a full beard, but I can grow a wicked mustache and goatee though!

14. Walnuts give me hives down my throat to my stomach (yes, I WILL go to the hospital if you try to trick me into eating them), cantaloupe makes me gag, cauliflower tastes like dirt, and watermelon makes me burp. But I can't get enough watermelon during Summer!

15. Though I have issues with the aforementioned foods, I'm not a picky eater at all!


  1. Well done! That was a most excellent first post.

    I like your 30 day idea. I should do the same because it's quite an undertaking to try and share the highlights of 5 blogless months in one post!

    Also, lofffe yoou!

  2. :)I love love love your blog!!! Im going to steal the 30 day idea! And I think you going to snow was a wise decision cuz you wouldnt have met me...well actually we might have met..who knows! love ya erik!!

  3. Jo, I can think of any other place I would have rather started! Your whole apartment was fantastic, but you're the only one I keep in contact with anymore. What would either of us have done had we not met each other?
