Thursday, February 3, 2011

Challenge Day 8

I realized I missed a day, so I'll make up for it here. Again...

Day 8: Favorite book.

So, the thing says that I have to pick ONE book that's my favorite. Really, just one?! Can I just pick an author instead? Well, you all know I have a crush on C.S. Lewis, so that's no surprise. I guess I'll have to go with...

The "Narnia" books! They're my favorite, by far! Ever since I was a little kid, I've been in love with the idea of a parallel-ish world that you can access from odd places in our own. Being sucked into it through a wardrobe while running away from the housekeeper, while waiting for the train to school, while looking at a painting, putting on magic rings... I just love it! I find it relaxing to just escape into my mind for a while if I'm too stressed or just need a break, and Mr. Lewis did a great job at that! ("The Screwtape Letters" are also great!)

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