Monday, February 7, 2011

Getting back up to speed here...

I need to catch up from the last three days, so it's going to be another three-post-day/night for me. Bear with me; I'll make it as painless as possible!

Challenge Day 10:  Something that makes me very happy.

My dogs ALWAYS make/made me happy! Even after Bear died (the black one), I still had Karma (the Boxer). She had a rough couple months after Bear went, but she made it through just fine. I just have to say "bread", "walk", "food", "bath", or "ride in the car" and she goes crazy! It just makes my day.

Bear was kinda like Eeyore in "Winnie the Pooh". He loved attention, but never really wanted to play hard. He loved being pet, getting love, having his tummy rubbed, and he LOVED going on walks! He was our Gentle Giant, the big teddy bear. He lived a great life! Unfortunately he died sooner than we expected him to. He got really sick and it progressed too fast. He left us last October, right before Halloween.

Okay, I know that was getting depressing, so let me save it... My dogs always made me happy! When I was upset or had too much on my mind, I could go talk to the dogs. Why? Because they always listened. They were there when I needed them to be. They didn't care what was going on in my life, as long as I was there to give them company. Bear was the best companion anyone could ever have asked for! Karma was his awkward, ADHD little sister. Freaking odd pairing, but they were the best dogs anyone could ever ask for, and that makes me happy!

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